Ardor Beauty

We have crafted products from natural oils and butters to give you an experience of nature that is safe and healthy to your skin

Hair Care

African Hair is the most misunderstood hair,we bring you an array of products that are safe,effective to enable you manage your African Hair without any struggles

We understand African Hair.

Body care

Skin is the largest organ in your body.

You wear it every day.

We have formulated the best products to keep your skin moisturised,free from stretchmarks and flaking to help you take care of your skin as it takes care of you.

Face care

The skin on your face requires extra care, it is the first impression of you as a person, our products are designed to address skin problems in the most gentle way and without any side effects .

Body care

Body Butter

200grams Ksh 1,000=

500grams 2,200/=

Our body butter is thick and rich with butter from shea, cocoa

and natural oils and is thicker than body creams. Suitable for

sensitive and dry skin, it contains nutrious vitamins and fatty

acids helping to nourish and revataize your skin, reducing

stretch marks.


Ksh 900/=

Originating from cocoa beans. It contains several

antioxidants called polyphenols. That has multiple

benefits for your skin such as:

  • Alleviating dry skin.
  • Improve skin elasticity.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Protects the skin from sun damage.
  • Prevents and improves the appearance of stretch marks

Raw shea butter

Ksh 850/=

Shea butter is a skin superfood that comes from the seeds of the fruit of the shea tree.

It contains cinnamic acid in form of the compound, lupeol cinnamate, making it great for the skin.

Body care

Vitamin C

Ksh 1,400/=

Topical vitamin C is a workhorse that protects, repair, and enhance your skin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, that holds off environmental and sun damage to skin cells.

Vitamin C serum benefits:

  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Enhances collagen production
  • Helps protect against sun damage
  • Reduces hyperpigmentation.
  • Evens skin tone
  • Brightens complexion
  • Destroys free radicals

Skin Glo-serum

Ksh 1,400/=

(Anti- ageing serum)

Ageing is inevitable and as we age our skin concerns vary from fine lines, wrinkles, dry patches and sagging skin. The Oil based serum combines the best oils in the anti- ageing oils profile. Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, Rosehip, and sandalwood.

Glo- serum benefits

  • Gives a youthful glow.
  • Protect against oxidative stress in the skin,
  • Tones the skin,
  • Promote new skin cell growth
  • Helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines

Coconut Oil

Ksh 850/=

Cold-pressed coconut oil is made without heat

to preserve the antioxidant content.. Unrefined

coconut oil without any additives and retains its’ natural pure taste to become a super food.


• Anti-viral, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.

• Healthy for your skin, hair and nails


Ksh. 400/=

Great soap that will soften, moisturize and hydrate your skin. It lowers Ph levels and reduces harmful bacteria on your skin and helps people with skin conditions like eczema and acne.

Benefits of our soaps

  • Gently exfoliates and cleanses
  • Soothes Eczema
  • Good for sensitive dry skin
  • Brightens skin

Check out what clients say

"Good morning, I just used the products. I'm so impressed already been just a week, my face is glowing with a smooth texture and feeling more young let me continue using then will update you. I just woke up looking like that I'm so grateful."

C. Chemu

"Been hearing good comments with my face and am happy with the way it's improving hat else can I add from the package to get smoother"

C. Waithera

"Hey, thanks so much for your products. They are amazing. My stretch marks faded, my face resembles that of a baby... Too smooth. Thank you so much."

V. Ciamwari

"The argan oil is doing wonders for my skin. No rash. Not even one pimple. My skin feels smooth. I love it."


Check out what clients say

"Good morning, I just used the products. I'm so impressed already been just a week, my face is glowing with a smooth texture and feeling more young let me continue using then will update you. I just woke up looking like that I'm so grateful."

C. Chemu

"Been hearing good comments with my face and am happy with the way it's improving hat else can I add from the package to get smoother"

C. Waithera

"Hey, thanks so much for your products. They are amazing. My stretch marks faded, my face resembles that of a baby... Too smooth. Thank you so much."

V. Ciamwari


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